EU H2020 NeurONN – 1st Workshop
EU H2020 NeurONN 1st Workshop on Neuromorphic Computing will be held on May 27, 2021 organized by Dr. Siegfried Karg, [...]
EU H2020 NeurONN 1st Workshop on Neuromorphic Computing will be held on May 27, 2021 organized by Dr. Siegfried Karg, [...]
Dr. Aida Todri-Sanial and Thierry Gil are presenting the EU H2020 NeurONN project to the general public at the Pint [...]
Our Post-Doc Dr. Stefania Carapezzi has a paper accepted at the 19th IEEE International NEWCAS Conference (NEWCAS) 2021. Her work [...]
Our PhD student Corentin Delacour has a paper accepted at the 79th Device Research Conference 2021. His work [...]
EuroNanoForum 2021 International Online Conference (May 5th - 6th, 2021) has started! Visit our virtual NeurONN Booth and Poster Session. [...]
Congratulation wishes to our recent PhD Doctorate! Meet Dr. Elisabetta Corti from IBM Research Zurich! She is our invitee [...]
Oscillatory Neural Networks Using VO2 Based Phase Encoded Logic EU H2020 NeurONN Researchers have recently published the paper [...]
Our demonstrator with digital oscillatory neural network on FPGA for Robot Obstacle Avoidance is now showcased in 5E [...]
Invited Speaker at World Nano Congress on Advanced Science and Technology 2021. Dr. Aida Todri-Sanial gave an invited talk [...]
Théophile Gonos, CEO of A.Ι.Mergence, and Partner of our EU H2020 NeurONN project, participated on the 9th of February [...]